Human right

Grievance/Reporting Mechanism

1. Whistleblower System
Topyang established a whistleblower system so that any person who discovers crimes, frauds or violation of laws by Topyang may report the misconducts via the system. The system is overseen by an independent director and is planned by the head of compliance. The system’s implementation results are reported to the board of directors and Audit Committee at least once every six months.

2. Sexual Harassment and Gender Equality
We established the “Regulations for Establishing Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment at Workplace” and the “Sexual Harassment Prevention, Grievance and Investigation Policy” to prevent sexual harassment and violations of gender equality. We also set up an e-mail account and established the Sexual Harassment Grievance and Investigation Committee to investigate sexual harassment cases. If a sexual harassment complaint is found to be true, the offender will be brought before the Personnel.
Evaluation Committee, which will decide on the appropriate disciplinary measures, while the victim will receive counseling and care. Meanwhile, sexual harassment education and training will be intensified for other employees to prevent further cases of sexual harassment from occurring. Moreover, Topyang accepts cases regarding employees harassed by outsiders and we help the employee fight for rights by appeal to external units.